lunedì, dicembre 04, 2006
Ormai è passato un pò di tempo dal battesimo del mio blog e, andando avanti, sono aumentate anche le mie ambizioni...
Ho deciso di tentare di piazzare il mio blog nella classifica dei "most linked"...
Ho bisogno anche del tuo aiuto per raggiungere questo importante traguardo....LINKAMI!!

Dear friends, i would like that my blog will become one of the "most linked".
Could you help me? Please, link my blog on your links!
Thanks a lot.
posted by ste at 10:10 AM

At 09 dicembre, 2006 01:27, Anonymous Anonimo

STE, I think you are missing the sense of this.
While the objective itself is a perfect choice, the means are, and excuse me for saying this, ridiculous. People link each other either because of some specially interesting contents or because of friendship, and you should be thinking how to potentiate your visits and friends through this.
To reach such an objective just through means of spamming will not make a great achievement.
But, this what I say is valid only if you think of it as a personal task. If what you are looking for is popularity, the praise of your name by internet, or whatever referred to magnify your ego without offering anything, then the way you do it is unimportant.


At 09 dicembre, 2006 03:04, Blogger ste

Dear viajero, i think that is not important how do they speak about you but that of you is spoken. I would like to increase my international visit and i offer a service : my web spaces, wich is free and i don't wanna anything (specially money)... i just wanna "one click" to increase my share. That's all! Look...with your post you have helped me in the achievement of my goal.... thank you!!


At 12 dicembre, 2006 05:36, Anonymous Anonimo

guarda che ti ha effetti si chiama spamming quello che chiedi..


At 12 dicembre, 2006 10:11, Anonymous Anonimo

I've helped you gladly STE, as I participated explicitly because of your site. Allow me to be more specific, for the sake of communication:

-Perfect that you offer services.
-Perfect that you want people to be aware of them.
-Perfect that you want to be more clicked.
All of that I respect and revere, but:

-Wrong that you go to other people's blogs just to ask for clicks.
-Wrong that you go to other people's blogs just to advertise what you offer.
That is spamming, and means throwing publicity at people that do not want it. People open blogs for other people to read them, not to have visitors that do not care what is written there but just want to make publicity about their site.

Making a comment like (and nothing more): "I want to be more visited. Click my site and link me to help me achieve this goal" in a purely Spanish speaking blog sounds like a hint..

Good luck in achieving what you want to achieve, but play fairly with the community. Perhaps you wouldn´t mind 20 STE's per day posting a comment in your site with nothing but advertisement, as it would help you in your way towards the most clicked, but people do care. They want comments about their blogs, not people popping with a message of "hey, I don't care what you do but come and see what I do". Say that on your blog or if you want to keep spamming, at least first have a look and comment the work of the place where you're going to advertise yourself.


At 14 dicembre, 2006 01:14, Blogger ste

Caro viajero, he entendido lo que tu quiere explicarme.
Lo siento, io no quiero hacer spamming por molestar los otros bloggers, io queria justo aumentar las visitas en el mio blog. Tu puede contestar el modo en el cuale esto es hecho, vale, es claro. Ok chaval, ahora hemos explicado todo, te entiendo y respecto tus opiniones. Hasta pronto. adios.